Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 9 - Book trailers and Wrap up

Assignment 1

I read the two articles on book trailers and I searched for some book trailers on You Tube.

Assignment 2

The first time I saw a book trailer it was on the website a few weeks ago. Since then I have found them on Amazon and other book related websites. I can say I am fan of book trailers but if they are made well. One I really like is the book trailer for 5th Wave. It was interesting and it made me want to read the book. Some book trailers are cheesy and not done very well and those turn me off from reading those specific books.

I believe in the media rich society we have now that good book trailers can draw an audience to read the book that might not have read it otherwise. If the book trailer is cheesy than the audience can be turned off from reading the book. Bottom line is the better the quality of the book trailer the more attraction it can have and maybe that will lead to more readers of the book.

Can book trailers be used in readers advisory? I would say yes depending on who the audience will be.  Since we rove with Ipads we could access youtube and show a book trailer with a customer to entice them about a specific book. I will have to try this at my branch and see how it works.

Assignment 3

I really have enjoyed the Be More Bookish training. Some of the assignments were more difficult than others but all of the assignments have been useful in my readers advisory training. I believe the wider your reading interests are, the easier some of the assignments were. Let me explain. Since I read teen, children and adult fiction as well non-fiction books, some of the assignments were easier for me. The assignments about sub-genres, mash-ups and annotations were more difficult and a challenge for me.I like the self-paced training because each person will get what they need or what they put into the training. 

I have learned that there are alot of different types of readers out there and we need to be ready to help them with our readers advisory skills. We need to remember that there are alot of genres that match up with non-fiction books. We need to think outside of the box and recommend book from a variety of genres and ages. There are adults that read teen books and remember to recommend these books when you are suggesting adult fiction and mystery titles. I am going to make a list of the websites that I used for this training and keep visiting these websites so I can stay on top of what is hot and what is popular in books. My readers advisory skills can only improve if I try to put into practice what I have learned while doing the Be More Bookish training. I will recommend this training to any librarian who did not participate because there are so many resources and helpful tips in the training. I tip my hat off to the committee who organized the training. Well done!

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