Monday, June 10, 2013

Week 8 - Nonfiction

Assignment 1

I read the two articles on non-fiction. They were not surprising to me since I read alot of non-fiction.  I enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction.

Assignment 2

I watched the podcast about the non-fiction genres. I was surprised to see that humor was not listed as a genre because I know I read alot of humor books.

Assignment 3

History (900's): Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard

Crime (364's): Too Late to Say Goodbye by Ann Rule

Sports (796's): Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer

Politics (300's): In the President's Secret Service by Ronald Kessler

Assignment 4

Book talk for Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Medicine, Madness and the Murder of a President is a book that details the rise of James Garfield from poverty to the American Presidency. The author does a fantastic job of describing the state of the nation and the state of medical care in 1881. This book will open your eyes to the realities of being the President of the United States. The author draws you into the book and you feel like you are right there with James Garfield. You will be motified by what the doctors do to the President in their attempt of caring for him. I think this book would appeal to anyone who likes a book that has a life story, political intrigue and murder of  an American President. Once you start reading it, you will not be able to put it down.

Book talk for In the President's Secret Service by Ronald Kessler

In the President's Secret Service is a book that goes behind the scenes of the men and women who protect the President, his family and other dignitaries.  The author describes many real life adventures of the Secret Service that happened over the years. This book would appeal to anyone who has read fiction books by David Baldacci or Brad Metlzer and has wondered what do the Secret Service actually do and how were they created.

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