Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 4 - Building Base Knowledge

Explore Goodreads (especially features like Listopia and Explore) and write/share your impressions/discoveries/revelations on your blog.   If you have not already, please join Goodreads and add and rate at  least 15 titles.  Look at what Goodreads recommends for you – why do you think those titles were chosen? 

I have been using Goodreads for awhile. Some of the title suggestions that are given on Goodreads are okay if you like alot of books in the same genre or books from the same list. Since I read books in alot of genres, not all title suggestions appeal to me.

Complete the following Goodreads features and functions:
  • Create shelves for the books you rated.  - done
  • Make friends with colleagues.  - done
  • Recommend a title to a colleague based on a title or titles that they have enjoyed using the comments field on Goodreads.  Be sure to include appeal characteristics in your recommendation and note why it is similiar to the title or titles they enjoyed.  - done
  • Include this recommendation on your blog and write/share your impressions, discoveries, or revelations from exploring Goodreads. - done
I recommended Gilead by Marilynne Robinson to Julie McCann on Goodreads because she liked Plainsong. Both books have a midwestern setting and evoke the stalwart characters who settled there. Also both books have characters with similar values that face familiar trials.

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