Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 2 - Annotations

Assignment 2

Destiny of the Republic - a Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard (2012).

Destiny of the Republic is a tale of murder, politics and medical mystery. It is the account of James Garfield's rise from proverty to the American Presidency. The author brings the era and people involved to vivid life.

In the Garden of Beasts - Love, Terror & an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson (2012)

In the Garden of Beasts is a vivid portrait of Hitler's Berlin during the first years of his reign brought to life through two people William E. Dodd, first ambassador to Germany, and his carefree daughter Martha. The author has crafted a gripping, deeply intimate narative with a climax that reads like a political thriller.

Week 2 - Appeal Factors

Assignment 1

The article on appeal factors was very interesting. I found out that I like books that are in the Adrenaline and Intellect groups. I tend to read thrillers, mysteries and SF.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 1:

Week 1: Assignment 1-The Sporcle website has an online quiz to see how many books you may be able to visually recognize.  Visit this website and see how well you do with identifying famous adult and children’s books simply by the art on the covers. 

I got 14/24 on the adult quiz and 9/20 on the children's quiz. The quizzes were a lot of fun.

Week 1: Assignment 2 - Whoever said you can’t judge a book by its cover obviously never worked for a publisher.  In fact, designing the external appearance of a book is a major consideration in marketing it.  Select the genre for each of these “blank” covers to see if the designers did their jobs.

I got most of the genres for the blank covers correct. The ones I had a problem were literary and Hard/Soft SF.

Week 1: Assignment 3 - Here are some “Golden Rules of Readers’ Advisory Service” to keep in mind.

The golden rules are simple rules that make sense. After reading the rules it make me want to keep a reading log.

Week 1: Assignment 4 - Pick one resource from the list of links in the ”Recommended Links – Books” box and one from the “Recommended Links – Genre”  in the column to the right and visit/read them both on a regular basis.  Pay attention because you’ll have an assignment related to this routine further down the road in our training.  Post which ones you are choosing and why to your blog.  This is a good opportunity to get familiar with a genre you don’t normally read.

I chose Early Word for the Recommended Links - Books because it gave upcoming titles in all age groups. I chose Heroes and Heartbreakers for the Recommended Links - Genre because I do not read romance books and this will give good information about books in this genre.

Week 1: Assignment 5  
Just for Fun: Judging a Book by Its Cover: A 6-year-old Guesses What Classic Novels Are All About.

This proves that you cannot judge a book by its cover because it can be misleading.

Monday, April 15, 2013